
My photo
i'm sarah. plain and tall. sometimes awkward. my life is about creating memories to last a lifetime. inspired by music, flim and people, i take everything and create myself. my creation is an on going process, it is never finished.

Friday, May 29, 2009

strangest dream.

i had two of the strangest dreams last night.
weirder than the ones during HSC.

the first one:
it was my 19th birthday?
and pretty much the whole 08 year 12s from my high school were there.
it was in my front yard.
and there was like a convince store on my lawn.
i was in some black dress.
and everyone when to the park down the street.
then my sister bought out the cake, which was a giant easter egg.
and we started singing happy birthday.
everyone was running back from the park started singing and then ate the cakee.
then i was working at the convience store in my front lawn.
then i got woken up by my phone ringing.

the second one:
i was at westfields.
not my local one, but its been in my dreams before.
its all purple and has like escalators going nowhere.
i was living in the shops?
and my house was transfered into a water shop and my mum was behind the counter.
then i went on the escalator and it started shaking out of control.
there was like statues of sheep and russian dolls everywhere and i looked at my watch and it was april first.
then i was at my house.
but it looked like before we renovated.
and my sister was there.
and the salmon dance - the chemical brothers started playing, but then zephyer - red hot chilli peppers played over it and my sister was like oh i love this song and im like wait thats not the right songg.
then woke up again.

so strangeee.

lolz last night:

DAD: *after a couple of beers and wine* don't worry james well do one, one hour lesson a week to make up your 120 hours, same with you sarah.
JAMES: hows that going to work theres 52 weeks in a year dipshit
SARAH:* laughs uncontroably*
DAD:*chases james around the house*
later on...
JAMES: why don't you check the oven mr. 120weeks in a year.

i love my family.


1 comment:

Taylor Louise said...

Your brother is hilarious.
So is your dad.
Oh man.
Made me laugh.